@smokey I had a power computing computer too but I’m pretty sure it means before they were offering Be. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of an alternate history where Apple bought Be instead of NeXt.
@smokey I had a power computing computer too but I’m pretty sure it means before they were offering Be. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of an alternate history where Apple bought Be instead of NeXt.
@smokey neat
@brentsimmons Oh man, I was always so fascinated by BeOS but never got to play with it. Also, I remember being a kid and trying out Cyberdog because I kept reading about it, but not quite understanding what it was or how to use it, at least at first. I definitely used Netscape when I did start going online more seriously.
@amoroso Yeah, it was something... weird and unique.
@Cheri This is a great article! Very in line with my recent thinking and so well written. Thank you. If it's alright I'll be sharing this around!
@manton Well said!
@grayareas Beautiful!
@droct Testing reply to a recent mastodon post
@droct Testing replies again.
@manton Thsi is a great new feature and a great start! I do hope eventually it can be extended to specific feed URL's and such, maybe even for folks without their own domains. But this is still a great upgrade. I hope this continues to push the whole web to more Indiweb style communication/social network-like interactions and such. Anyway thanks I''ve already got a bunch of blogs I want to start following this way!
@grayareas What a great idea!
@JohnWSheldon The result of this damage to the negative does indeed give it a really interesting effect. I dig it.
@matthewlang This was a great read! I hope this kind of thing keeps catching on!
@ismh That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.
@matthewlang Neat!
@davextreme Nice. Seems like an obvious feature enhancement.
@davextreme It'd be really good to be able to set Apps or sources of alerts as "VIP's" or whatever to be able to have their alerts get through (or better yet just designate certain alerts as always getting through).
@smokey We planted some Bee Balm last year nto knowing how much it would spread out! Fortunately the spread was actually perfect for the space we put it in last year but I bet next year we may have to do some thinning and relocating ourselves.
@pratik That looks beautiful!
@Miraz Well said!
@GwenfarsGarden@sunbeam.city Oh awesome! I've been talking about making a Bee hotel!
@Cheri I missed the post the first time, but read it after seeing this. That was a good read. Sometimes just realizing and admitting what's going on is a big first step in dealing with it.
@defocused Amazing.
@darius oh maybe I’m using the wrong terminology. It either way it sounds like a good idea!