@davextreme Sounds about right. Well, if I get the chance to give it a try I might! The gouda sounds like at least a somewhat interesting twist.
@davextreme Sounds about right. Well, if I get the chance to give it a try I might! The gouda sounds like at least a somewhat interesting twist.
@davextreme I'm also very curious about the McExtreme Bacon Burger. It sounds pretty extreme. (How where they?)
@khurtwilliams 6 weeks would be a very long itme for a system upgrade!
@davextreme What a strange and terrible system.
@davextreme What is involved in disputing such a claim?
@davextreme Oh god, that sounds terrible. I've actually been pleasantly suprised at how not horrible the humidity has been here in DC so far this summer. It's gotten really hot, but it's not nearly so humid as I usually expect.
@davextreme Very cool!
@Miraz Very cool! Not what I expected at all!
@macgenie How exciting!
@vega I do miss some of the LJ communities I used to be in. This is a great suggestion!
@Ron As I said in the other thread, I read Lies My Teacher Told Me many years ago, and loved it. I'm pretty sure I read it toward the end of my time in High School. It was probably one of the reasons I ended up majoring in History in college. Anyway, I'll definitely check out the book! I haven't read much non-fiction lately and have been meaning to make more of an effort on that front. This seems like an important book and I topic I'm interested in. Thanks for the recomendation!
@bradenslen Just to be clear I wasn't trying to say that either way of using it is more right or wrong, just that the idea of using Twitter for topics is very different from the way I've always used it. I remember Jack Dorsey saying recently that "twitter works best when based around topics rather than people" and I was baffled that the owner of Twitter would have such a radically different idea of whats best on the service from me. It does explain a lot of the choices the company has made that I haven't been too happy with.
@macgenie That's very, very cool!
@simonwoods Yes! This would be a huge improvement for me on the web (which is where I end up using MB the most since I'm on a PC at work).
@simonwoods I 100% agree on the exceprt field. I think one of the biggest problems on MB for encourageing engagement is that anything longer than 280 characters just becomes as single title with a link, which doesn't tell the reader much and requires extra action to see what something is about.
I think an excerpt field would be great, and for posts imported from places that don't support that (and maybe as a default if you dont' want to fill it out) just the first 280 characters of a post would be a good place to start.
Also agree on threading, maybe less so on the limits though.
@bradenslen This is interesting for me to read (about twitter being more about topics). For me that's not the way I use Twitter at all. I almost never follow hashtags or so searches for topics. I use Twitter almost exclusively to follow specific people and what they want to tweet/retweet. I have a list of people I know in real life that is the main timeline I follow, and my "main" timeline is them plus a lot of other people I dont' knwo in real life but have found interesting. I discover poeple primarily through retweets, or from outside twitter, or from recomendations by other people. I do find Twitter and MB pretty different in their feel but it's not becuase I use one for topics and the other for people.
@khurtwilliams True.
@khurtwilliams And of course your additional comment, about the end of slavery coming decades earlier in the British West Indies, also reminds me how far behind the US was (and arguably still is) on these kinds of issues. I suppose in a practical sense even after the official end of slavery it continued for a long time through lots of loopholes, like prison labor and whatnot.
@khurtwilliams Living near Washington DC, which has it's own similar holiday, Emancipation Day, it's always striking to me when Juneteenth comes around to think about how long it took from the Emancipation Proclimation to the actual end to slavery in the US.
@vega I think I can sympathize with this feeling a bit. I don't think I have it to quite the same degree, but I do kind of miss the Livejournal days where sharing my thoughts and reading what all my friends were sharing felt new and exciting. At the same time, while I do still blog some, it's not with the same abandon, and I doubt it ever will be. Anyway this was really beautifully written and I wanted to thank you for posting it.
@Miraz I know your excerpts are about a cat species but they way they're put together it makes it sounds like there is a specific cat who is 6,500 years old, which is a pretty entertaining way to read it!
@paulczege that’s a really interesting set of observations. I should make a point of checking out oldies stations whenever I travel!
@khurtwilliams I'm sorry it's not working for you. I understand your frustration at hearing the same suggestions over and over and feeling like they aren't working for you.
It's possible the people you're looking for just aren't here. At least not right now. But I hope you can find some communities somewhere that do work for you.
@khurtwilliams I'm sorry. I guess I didn't know enough about your situation, and didn't realize you weren't talking about a paid hosted blog. And obviously I didn't understand what you were looking for from this conversation. I won't bother you again.
@Cheri @smokey @pratik - Very true. That's part of my problem with the show. As it's gone on the way people do things just because the plot demands it, rather than for any motivation that is consistent with their past behavior has just gotten worse and worse.